NIHDI contract status and fee supplements
NIHDI-contracted and non-NIHDI-contracted doctors
NIHDI contract status specialists
At the polyclinic, MCH works with NIHDI-contracted and non-NIHDI-contracted doctors.
The NIHDI contract status of each doctor-specialist is shown in the specialists overview.
- A NIHDI-contracted doctor charges the official rates and is therefore not free to apply own rates.
- The non-NIHDI-contracted doctor may charge a fee supplement.
- MCH's laboratory charges NIHDI-contracted rates.
- This means no supplements or administrative fees are charged.
Fee supplement
The following additional fees will be charged if you go for a consultation or examination at a non-NIHDI-contracted doctor.
- For a consultation at the polyclinic: €17,76
- For a radiology examination: €17,76 or €21,68 depending on the examinations performed
- No profit is made on the materials used, they are charged at purchase price. You can ask the nurse or doctor about this.